
The following websites relate to Re-enactment and Living History Groups that I have linked up with or who I have worked with on projects in the past.

16th Lancers Display Group.  A mounted group dealing with the 16th Lancers Regiment from the period of 1850s through to the Great War.  I worked with them a lot and they have provided a lot of advice and guidance over the years.  They do displays, parades and Show & Tells.

The Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment – A well established and experienced group of living history enthusiasts that portray the West Kent Regiment from Pre Great War through to the Second World War.  A group that shows a wide spread of activities that relate to an Infantry Unit of the period.  They can often be seen at Fort Luton in Chatham and manning the trenches at the Great Dorset Steam Fair.

The 1st Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1914-18 Living History Group – A well established and experienced living history group showing the different aspects of the Regiment from Late Victorian through to the Great War.  A wealth of experience and can often be seen at the Black Country History Museum

The following websites are excellent sources for advice and information:

British Muzzleloaders – Rob Enfield runs an excellent youtube channel.  While the channel is focused on Historical Rifle Shooting, Rob explains the whole aspects of the weapon, the period appropriate uniform, equipment and drills.  Also keep an eye out for Private MacKenzie and his tattie escapades.

Rifleman Moore – when looking for information about kit and uniform for the 1900 through to the 1990’s this is the site to visit.  He gives talks and displays on a whole range of kit and equipment and has been the go to site to pick up information when I was looking at getting my WW2 kit and equipment right.  A really useful site and he is happy to answer questions, Highly recommended.

The following websites provide kit and equipment:

The Military History Workshop.  Kev and Jenny run this business and provide an excellent service, with Kev producing almost all of the items.  Communication with them is excellent with Jenny responding quickly. When ordering please be patient with them, they often take several weeks to produce and ship the items, but the quality is excellent.  Well worth the time, effort and cost.  Highly recommended.

Trev’s Castings.  A fairly new business where Trev produces good quality resin castings of No36 Mills Grenades and .303 ammunition.  The grenades can be stripped down for displays and the ammunition is great for Bandolier fillers and will actually load into the SMLE magazine from the stripper clip – just don’t try and chamber the rounds!  Communication with Trev is excellent and you can contact him direct or via Facebook Messenger.

What Price Glory.  A good site for reenacting kit.  I would recommend reading the reviews of the items as that gives a heads up on the quality of the item and also on how the items are really sized.  If in doubt give them an email and they will get back to you very quickly.

Living History Locations and Museums.

Great War Huts –

Black Country Living History Museum –

Beamish Living History Museum –

The Highlanders Museum Fort George –